Mental Health in Social Context: What Is Normal and Who Defines It?

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objectivity, normality, freedom, biomedical model, biopsychosocial model


The purpose of the paper is to encourage a critical attitude and shed light on the background and perception (and not the definition) of “normal” through the prism of society, which to a large extent conditions human functioning and well-being. Understanding the variability of normality and mental health as a socially defined and ever-changing concept leads to normalisation and de -stigmatisation of not only mental disorders in the narrower sense, but also of mental distress of modern man, and is a prerequisite for reducing false diagnoses. Human vulnerability and inner struggles, which are the norm, not a peculiar, isolated problem, need to be seen as such while taking into account all the factors, i.e., biological, psychological, and social, affecting the person. A better understanding and use of the biopsychosocial model could help improve healthcare and make this world a little kinder.


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26.08.2023 — Ahead of print updated on 03.10.2023 as final version


How to Cite

Knez, A. (2023). Mental Health in Social Context: What Is Normal and Who Defines It?. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, 2(2), 49–55. (Original work published August 26, 2023)



Health Research

