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Call for Papers: Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences


The Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (JHRS) is pleased to announce an open call for papers for upcoming issues. We invite researchers, practitioners, and academics to submit their high-quality, original manuscripts that contribute to advancing knowledge, practice, and innovation in the fields of health, rehabilitation sciences, and related disciplines.

Read more about Call for Papers: Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

Current Issue

Vol. 4 No. 1 (2025)
					View Vol. 4 No. 1 (2025)

January - June 2025

Published: 29.01.2025

Health Research

View All Issues

Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (JHRS) is a multidisciplinary, peer reviewed, scholarly, international, electronic journal edited by the Alma Mater Europaea University - ECM from Slovenia and Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism from Macedonia. 

This journal will fill the gap, inspire scientists to exchange knowledge and experience and contribute to the development of science and the profession, due to the increase in scientific connection. With this we will increase the awareness about health care, rehabilitation processes especially for people with disabilities. Our interest is to create a journal at the highest scientific level, which is why we look forward to the cooperation of research and academic institutions in these areas. The aim of the journal is to share and disseminate knowledge between all disciplines that work in the field of developmental diversities. 

CALL FOR PAPERS Vol.4, Issue 1, 2025

Respected colleagues,

We want to announce that Alma Mater Europaea University – ECM and Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism launched new journal entitled: Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (JHRS). JHRS is a multidisciplinary, peer reviewed, scholarly, international, electronic journal. The following articles will be considered for publication: original and review articles, short report, letters to the editor, clinical experiences, survey of cases, doctoral dissertations, master of arts, editorials, rapid communications and other contributions from all the fields of health sciences, rehabilitation sciences, developmental diversities, special education, psychology, social policy, and the related sciences. All articles will be critically reviewed by at least two unknown reviewers within 2 months, but longer delays are sometimes unavoidable. All manuscripts must comply with Authors Instructions. There will be around 20 articles published per year. JHRS allows free access (Open Access) to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any OAI-compliant institutional / subject-based repository. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences is devoted to the scientific study of health disturbances and rehabilitation. The subject matter is broad and includes, but is not restricted to, findings from health, psychological, biological, educational, genetic, medical, psychiatric, and sociological studies, ethical, philosophical, and legal contributions that increase knowledge on the prevention and treatment of disability, and/or inform public policy and practice. 

You are kindly invited to submit an article in our Journal. Please type them in Word format. Please use Times New Roman font with Font size 12. The manuscript can not exceed 30.000 characters with no spaces A4 format including Abstract, Tables, Figures, and References. The margins should be 2 cm from every side, and also paragraph should be 1.5 lines. The style of referencing is from APA.

The deadline for sending the manuscripts is .