Review of Educators’ Needs for Additional Knowledge About Autism in Slovenia

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education, autism, Educators’ needs, Project VIS A VIS


Aim: The project VIS A VIS “Support for professionals in education and employment in the field of autism addresses deficits in systemic support for professionals educating and employing individuals with autism in Slovenia”. The research goal was to determine the professionals' experiences with persons with autism, their knowledge of autism, their assessment of the situation in the field of education for persons with autism, their self-assessment of skills for working with persons with autism and their training needs.

Methods: Five online questionnaires were created to gain information from the educators' perspective. Employees in preschool education, basic education, music education, secondary and adult education ant tertiary education participated in the survey.

Results: The data provides insight into the needs and challenges that respondents face in their daily practice with persons with autism. Professionals at different levels of education want to acquire additional skills and support to work more successfully with persons with autism.

Conclusion: The results form the basis for developing a model of assistance and support for educators in the field of autism. Participants in the survey will have the opportunity to attend free training based on the data collected.


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How to Cite

Marinič, I. (2023). Review of Educators’ Needs for Additional Knowledge About Autism in Slovenia. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, 2(1), 26–36.



Special Education Research

