How to establish electronic, scholarly, open access and peer-reviewed journal in small country

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electornic, scholarly, open access, peer-review, journal, JHRS, small country


Introduction: publishing an electronic, peer-reviewed, open-access academic journal in a small country is really hard work. The advancement of electronic journals during recent years has given professionals in academia a powerful new tool to support learning and research.

The purpose of this article is to provide some guidelines about creating electronic, scholarly, open access and peer-reviewed journal in small country through the example of Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences.

Methods: An analysis of relevant literature, sources from the Internet and published literature, personal experience and observations of the author as editor-in-chief in two similar journals previously.

Findings: a new modern academic journal should be open access, peer-reviewed, with international editorial board, having staff who work very dedicatedly. The journal should be set it up on OJS platform, using Creative Commons license for authors and DOI numbers for the articles. Plagiarism detection is a prevention of publication ethics violation. Journal editors should make additional efforts to index journal in lot of scholarly databases and to intend to increase the visibility. Sharing journal content on social media has become an important instrument and platform for editors and researchers as well.

Conclusions: Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (JHRS) is a multidisciplinary peer reviewed, international, electronic journal. Editorial office expects your submitted articles in the following weeks and months.


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Author Biography

Vladimir Trajkovski, Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Philosophy, University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius", Skopje, Macedonia

Dr. Vladimir Trajkovski is a full professor at the Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Philosophy at the University "St. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, Macedonia. He is the president and one of the founders of the Macedonian Scientific Association for Autism (MSSA) ( For 23 years his preoccupation has been the autistic spectrum disorders. From 2008-2017 he was the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, and since April 2018 he has been the editor-in-chief of the international Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversity ( In 2004 he introduced the subject "Autism" to the postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Philosophy.

He participates in more than 120 seminars, congresses, symposia and conferences in the country and abroad. In the last 2 pandemic years, he organizes and teaches at about 30 webinars organized by the MSSA. Actively participates in the preparation and implementation of 19 professional-scientific national and international projects. He has made study visits to nine European countries. He is the author of 8 textbooks, practicums and monographs, 110 papers in domestic and foreign periodicals, 13 of which are in journals with an impact factor.

He is currently a visiting professor at the Alma Mater Europa University in Slovenia, a member of the Macedonian Society for Human Genetics, a member of the editorial boards of 5 international journals, and also contributes to the work of various bodies of international associations and societies (Autism Europe, EASPD, IASSID) that treat autism, intellectual disability and disability.

He is winner of the award for the best scientist at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje in the field of biomedical and health sciences for 2017.


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How to Cite

Trajkovski, V. (2022). How to establish electronic, scholarly, open access and peer-reviewed journal in small country. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, 1(1), 1–11.




