Factors that facilitate or inhibit professional self-development motivation in employees of educational institutions

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Professional Development, Employee motivation, Educational Institutions, Inhibiting Factors, Facilitating Factors


Introduction: the efficiency, motivation, and involvement of human resources are critical factors in the effectiveness of organizations, particularly educational institutions. This paper explores these factors.

Objectives: the objectives were to identify the factors that facilitate professional self-development motivation in employees of educational institutions and to identify the factors that inhibit professional self-development motivation in employees of educational institutions.

Material and Methods: the study employed a scoping review method to identify factors influencing professional self-development motivation among educational institution employees. A comprehensive literature search was conducted across multiple databases, followed by a rigorous screening process to select 19 relevant studies. Data was organized and synthesized qualitatively, with findings validated by independent reviewers and experts in the field.

Results: the study identifies key facilitators of professional self-development motivation in educational institutions, including a personal growth mindset, organizational support, and access to digital resources. In contrast, inhibitors include a lack of self-awareness and organizational challenges like conflicting priorities. Effective leadership and professional development resources significantly enhance employee motivation and performance. Conversely, mismanagement and a lack of support can diminish motivation, highlighting the need for tailored approaches to individual employee needs.

Conclusion: The study's conclusion underscores the necessity for educational institutions to cultivate an environment that is conducive to professional development and motivation to achieve optimal performance.


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01.01.2025 — Ahead of print updated on 29.01.2025 as final version

How to Cite

Tenya, A. W. (2025). Factors that facilitate or inhibit professional self-development motivation in employees of educational institutions. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, 3(2), 30–37. https://doi.org/10.33700/jhrs.3.2.125



Psychological Research

