A COST Action to address challenges facing people with intellectual disabilities accessing cancer prevention and response services across Europe – Introducing CUPID - Cancer- Understanding Prevention in Intellectual Disabilities.

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Intellectual disabilities, COST Action, Cancer prevention, CUPID


COST Actions are grants provided by the European Union to support the establishment of networks of expertise to explore and address a scientific or social issue that impacts across Europe. This article introduces and describes one such action that started in October 2022 - CUPID - will address issues of policy and equity of access to cancer prevention initiatives by people with intellectual disabilities compared to the general population in Europe. With 82 individual members drawn from 30 countries CUPID will establish an interdisciplinary network of stakeholders representing carers, service providers, advocacy groups, educators, healthcare professionals, researchers and people with intellectual disabilities. The CUPID COST Action will be implemented over four years and will identify what needs to be addressed by the European Union and health and social services to improve cancer prevention among people with intellectual disabilities.


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How to Cite

Wells, J. (2023). A COST Action to address challenges facing people with intellectual disabilities accessing cancer prevention and response services across Europe – Introducing CUPID - Cancer- Understanding Prevention in Intellectual Disabilities. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, 1(1), 12–16. https://doi.org/10.33700/jhrs.1.1.46




